Monthly Archives: February 2020

21 02, 2020

FFS is Accepting Nominations for the First Flight Shrine.

We are accepting nominations for the First Flight Society Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine for 2021. Nominees should have made an outstanding accomplishment in manned flight and that they are generally recognized nationally and internationally for their achievements and contributions to aviation.

All nominations must be received no later than March 31st, 2020.  

9 02, 2020

Our Calendar of Events for 2020

Here is the First Flight Society Calendar of Events for 2020:


April 16, 2020                   Wilbur Wright Birthday Celebration

May 16, 2020                     First Flight/Girls Golf Golf Tournament 

August 19, 2020                National Aviation Day/Orville Wright Birthday                                                             Celebration

December 16-17, 2020   117th Anniversary of Powered Flight

More details to follow as the events get closer.

9 02, 2020

2020 Membership Drive

We are trying to add 1000 new members by the end of the year, so we are giving everyone a heads up!

Our annual Individual Memberships will be going up to $50 on March 1st, but we are encouraging Wright Brothers fans to join in February for $35, before the rates go up! Readers of our website and Social Media pages are getting the inside scoop!

Please purchase through our website or contact us at [email protected]  to take advantage of our February special!

Members have always been an essential part of the First Flight Society. By joining FFS you become part of a community of people who care deeply about the legacy of the Wright Brothers, the Wright Brothers National Memorial and the future of aviation. Member by member, dollar by dollar, we are ensuring that future generations may enjoy this legacy and the Wright Brothers National Memorial.

As part of your membership […]