Monthly Archives: January 2021

26 01, 2021

Introducing the 2021 First Flight Society Board of Directors

KITTY HAWK, N.C.January 26, 2021 — The First Flight Society would like to announce its Board of Directors for 2021.All of the directors are from North Carolina, except three who are from Virginia.

The newly elected Executive Committee consists of:
President-Mike Fonseca
1st Vice President-Dr Charles Davidson
2nd Vice President-William “Bill” Douglas
Treasurer-H Taylor Sugg
Secretary-Paul Carr

The rest of the 2021 board consists of :
Sara Lou Copeland, Danny Couch, M. Roy Daniels, III, David Daniels, Lisa Ellstrom, Judith Fearing, Orestes Gooden,  Paul Wright Jameson, Arthur J. Lamothe,  Blake Sauls, Doug Seay, Mike Smith, Penny Leary Smith and Peregrine White.

Joe Lamothe, Mike Smith and Geneva Perry are former presidents of the 94 year old Society that started out as the Kill Devil Hills Memorial Association.


The FFS plans an annual celebration at the Wright Brothers National Memorial on Wright Brothers Day, December 17th mandated by their bylaws to memorialize the work of the Wright Brothers at […]