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So far mike has created 57 blog entries.
1 08, 2018

Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center Reopening Planned for September 29

Save the date of Saturday, September 29, 2018 for the reopening of the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitors Center! Here is the information we have from the National Parks Service:

The National Park Service is excited to announce that the Wright Brothers National Memorial visitor center will reopen on Saturday, September 29. Details for a grand reopening event will be announced later this month.

First opened in 1960, the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 2001. (NPS Photo)


Since the winter of 2016, the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center, a National Historic Landmark, has been closed for a project to preserve and restore its architecturally significant features and to rehabilitate its mechanical and electrical systems. The $5.8 million rehabilitation project was awarded to Group III Management, Inc. (Kinston, North Carolina).


13 07, 2018

Have You Seen the Latest Issue of The Flyer?


Here  is the front page of the latest edition of The Flyer, the official publication of the First Flight Society. Haven’t gotten yours yet? There is a simple way to remedy that. A membership in the First Flight Society will get this sent right to your door!

Readers of The Flyer were the first to know that this year’s Paul E Garber First Flight Shrine Honoree is Katherine G Johnson. If you’ve read the book or seen the movie Hidden Figures, you now exactly who this amazing lady is. Mrs Johnson will be inducted into the First Flight Shrine during the annual Wright Brothers Celebration in Kill Devil Hills this December 17th.

Join the First Flight Society

24 06, 2018

Win a Copy of The Wright Brothers by David McCullough!

This contest couldn’t be easier. If you have ever been to the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills, NC post a photo on our Facebook page or in our Facebook Group Celebrating The Wright Brothers. It’s that simple.


Photos with people

Photos of the monument

You name it, there is no wrong type of photo


One lucky winner will be chosen at random and sent a copy of The Wright Brothers hardcover book.


First Flight Society Facebook Page


Celebrating the Wright Brothers Facebook Group

16 05, 2018

First Flight Society Celebrates National Tourism Day

The First Flight Society would like to thank everyone who came by to visit our booth on Thursday, May 10th. FFS participated in National Tourism Day at the North Carolina Welcome Center on southbound I-95 near Roanoke Rapids. Perry White and Mike Fonseca had the chance to meet and talk with some of the hundreds of people that came to visit the displays from 10:00 until 2:00 on a beautiful, slightly windy May afternoon.

National Tourism Day is celebrated during National Travel and Tourism week, which is the first full week of May. This is the 35th anniversary observation of NTTW that was created by congress in 1983. In North Carolina this year’s theme was “Travel Then and Now”. This gave the FFS the opportunity to answer questions and supply information about the First Flight Society and the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills.

5 05, 2018

Please Join the First Flight Society!

Did you know that without the First Flight Society there would be no Wright Brothers National Memorial? There also wouldn’t be an annual celebration on December 17th of each year.

The First Flight Society was born in 1927 under the parenting of W.O. Saunders, the publisher of the Elizabeth City newspaper, The Independent. It started life as the Kill Devil Hills Memorial Association, a group of 46 like minded businessman, who came together to promote the building of a memorial to the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903.

The first celebration of the first flight was the 25th anniversary on December 17th, 1928.

Please join us and help support our mission of honoring the Wright Brothers. Its as easy as clicking on this link!

Join the First Flight Society

29 04, 2018

Wilbur Wright Birthday Celebration

The Wright Brothers celebrated Wilbur’s 151st birthday visiting the fourth and fifth grade students at Dare County Elementary Schools April 16-17, 2018.

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17 04, 2018

Visit Wright Brothers National Memorial During National Park Week

National Park Week, April 21-29, 2018, is an annual national celebration of people, parks, trails, heritage areas, national trails and rivers, seashores, historic sites, beautiful landscapes, and so many more places that are remarkable. National Park Week is a great time to connect with the vast network of national parks, which protect and preserve our natural and cultural history.

National Parks of Eastern North Carolina Superintendent David Hallac welcomes visitors and members of the local communities to visit Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial during National Park Week. Entrance to Wright Brothers National Memorial will be free on April 21. Entrance to Cape Hatteras National Seashore and Fort Raleigh National Historic Site is free year-round.

With this year’s National Park Week theme of “Park Stars,” all three of our Outer Banks national parks are offering special programs:

Wright Brothers National Memorial:

April 22-29 daily at 11:00 […]

27 12, 2017

Wright Brothers National Memorial to Offer Free Admission on Six Days in 2018

Wright Brothers National Memorial announced today that it will offer six days without entrance fees in 2018.

The 2018 entrance fee free days are:

  • January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • April 21: First Day of National Park Week
  • August 19: National Aviation Day
  • September 22: National Public Lands Day
  • November 11: Veterans Day
  • December 17: 115th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first flight

“2018 is guaranteed to be an exciting year at Wright Brothers National Memorial,” said National Parks of Eastern North Carolina Superintendent David Hallac. “Entrance fees will be waived on six fee free days, staff will continue working with our valuable partners to hold inspiring National Aviation Day and first flight anniversary events, and there will a grand reopening of the park’s visitor center next year.”

Bring your family and friends to Wright Brothers National Memorial, site of the first powered flight, and learn more about this great nation’s aviation […]

10 12, 2017

One Week Until The Wright Brothers’ First Flight Anniversary Event!

On Sunday, December 17, 2017, the First Flight Society and the National Park Service (NPS) will continue the tradition of honoring the accomplishments of Wilbur and Orville Wright at the 114th anniversary celebration of the first heavier-than-air, controlled, powered flight. The event takes place at the tent area south of the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center parking area and park entrance fees will be waived for the day.

Scheduled events for the day include:

8:30 a.m. – The observance begins with a patriotic musical prelude by the Northeastern High School Band from Elizabeth City, NC.

8:45 a.m. – The formal program will commemorate the Wrights’ achievement. Arthur Lamothe, President of the First Flight Society, will open the program; the Civil Air Patrol, NC and VA Wings will present the colors; Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technology will lead the pledge of allegiance; Graham Outten will lead the National Anthem; and […]