First Flight Society Membership Plans
Wright Kite-Student
- Max 18yrs or age
1900 Wright Glider-Individual
- 3 yr discount $90
Birth of Flight-Business
1903 Wright Flyer-Lifetime
$150000one time
- individuals only
Plan Benefits
- Membership card
- Decal
- Wright Brothers postcard

- First Flight Society ball cap
- Membership card
- Society pin
- 8 x 10 photo of the First Flight
- Invitations to our events

- Picture – Wright Brothers Monument at sunset
- Advertisement on web page and in the Wright Brothers Day program book
- Logo decals
- VIP status at our events

- Wall plaque signifying Lifetime Membership
- Special First Flight Society Pin with Ruby
- First Flight Society Hat
- 8 x 10 photo of the First Flight
- VIP status at our events