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So far First Flight has created 21 blog entries.
25 07, 2017

National Aviation Day – August 19, 2017

Be sure to join us for a very exciting day on August 19, 2017 at the Wright Brothers National Memorial Park!  The First Flight Society will be celebrating National Aviation Day.  In addition we will commemorate Orville Wright’s 146th Birthday, and the 75th Anniversary of the Civil Air Patrol. There will be activities for young and old.  Local military and aviation organizations will be represented, but you don’t want to miss the highlight of the day when U.S. Coast Guard aircraft and WWII T-6 Trainers provide a ceremonial FLYOVER.  Come out and enjoy all the Wright Brothers National Memorial has to offer as we honor the Wright Brothers and the Aviation community on National Aviation Day.  Hours 9:00 am-5:00 pm.

Memories from 2014 Aviation Day


2 05, 2017

William “Bill” Whiteheart — Awarded Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award!

First Flight Society, Inc. Lifetime Member, William H. Whiteheart has received THE WRIGHT BROTHERS “MASTER PILOT” AWARD.  The prestigious Master Pilot award is awarded by the FAA to only the most experienced and able pilots  who embody the Wright Brothers’ spirit of dedication.  Bill is highly regarded by both the First Flight Society and the aviation community for his contributions as a pilot and as a community leader.  Congratulations, Bill! Thanks for all you do and keep “dancing with the clouds” (G.C. Stokor)!

21 04, 2017

Wilbur and Orville Visit First Flight Elementary.

Tuesday, April 18th, actors portraying Wilbur and Orville dropped by fourth grade classes at First Flight ElementarySchool. The visit was to recognize Wilbur Wright’s 150th birthday on April 16th. A representative from the National Park Service at Wright Brothers Memorial Park joined Wilbur and Orville to explain the NPS Kids in the Park program. Open to all fourth graders nationwide, get program information at


16 04, 2017

Happy Birthday Wilbur Wright!

Today is Wilbur Wright’s 150th birthday. Wilbur was born on April 16, 1867 near Millville, Indiana. Wilbur was an inventor and his nickname was “Father of Modern Aviation”. Wilbur’s brother Orville was his playmate, co-inventor and business partner throughout his life. Wilbur and Orville lived in Dayton, Ohio most of their lives, but their most famous feat took place at Kill Devil Hill in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The Wright Brothers had their first successful airplane flight on December 17, 1903. Their Wright Flyer was the first powered, heavier-than-air machine to achieve controlled, sustained manned flight.

Happy Birthday Wilbur!

30 03, 2017

Wilbur’s Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WILBUR! Fourth Graders at First Flight Elementary will be surprised to see Orville and Wilbur Wright drop by the classrooms on Tuesday, April 18 to recognize Wilbur Wright’s 150th birthday (April 16)! Representatives of the National Park Service from the Wright Brothers Memorial Park will accompany the Orville & Wilbur to explain the NPS Kids in Parks program. Open to all fourth graders, nationwide Get program information at:

24 03, 2017

Support FFS with your regular Amazon purchases.

The First Flight Society is now a partner with Amazon through their Smile program. The difference between Amazon and Amazon Smile is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (”). The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers. On your first visit to AmazonSmile you are prompted to select a charitable organization from our list of eligible organizations. You can change your selection at any time. 

To reach the First Flight Society page use this link:

FFS Amazon Smile

20 03, 2017

Come Celebrate Wilbur Wright’s Birthday With Us!

Please join The First Flight Society the weekend of April 15-16, 2017 at the Wright Brothers National Memorial to celebrate Wilbur Wright’s birthday. Wilbur was born April 16th, 1867 near Millville, Indiana, to Milton and Susan Wright. Pencil this weekend on your calendar and we will provide more details as we get closer to the event.

3 08, 2016

Fast Forward – December 16-17, 2016 – the 113th Anniversary of Powered Flight

 December 16-17, 2016 – the 113th Anniversary of Powered Flight

The First Flight Society will host the 113th Celebration of Powered Flight at Wright Brothers National Memorial on December 17, 2016.  The theme this year will recognize and honor the 100th Anniversary of  the United States Coast Guard Aviation.  Two great pioneers in aviation history and proud Coast Guardsmen, Captain Frank Erickson and Commander Stewart Graham, will be inducted into the Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine.  ADM Paul F. Zukunft, Commandant, United States Coast Guard, will be the keynote speaker for the Commemorative Ceremonies.  We will have bands, flags, our Coast Guard heroes and much more– Mark your calendars!  Don’t miss this opportunity to pay tribute to a branch of our military that have been an integral part of our local history!

First Flight Society Members are invited to “THE  NIGHT BEFORE” reception and banquet will be held on  December 16th […]

27 07, 2016

National Aviation Day – August 19, 2016

Be sure to join us for a very exciting day on August 19, 2016 at the Wright Brothers National Park – We will be celebrating National Aviation Day, Orville Wright’s 145th Birthday, and the Centennial year of the National Park Service.  Admission to the park will be free.  Activities include static display of military and civilian aircraft, educational exhibits by NASA, NOAA, NC DOT Aviation, Outer Banks Visitors Center, youth interactive activities, special presentations in the Visitors Center Flight Room about the Wright Brothers, the United States Coast Guard, and the National Park Service’s 100 years of service to our nation and their aviation story.  Also, you will enjoy a FLYOVER of military and civilian aircraft. And, special surprise guests will be on hand to visit with you!  Don’t miss it.  Hours 9:00 am-5:00 pm.

13 06, 2016

Aviatrix Mary Feik – Dies at home in Maryland

It is with a sad heart that we report to you that our most beloved Aviatrix Mary Feik, 92, passed away late last night.   Mary was at her home in Annapolis, Maryland with her daughter Robin Vest at her side as she passed.  Mary Feik was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year.


Mary Feik was known throughout the United States and around the world for her many extraordinary and extensive achievements and contributions to the field of aeronautics as an engineer, pilot, mechanic, educator and leader.  She held many distinguished positions, awards and honors including the rank of Colonel in the United States Air Force Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol.  Mary Feik was the 2014 inductee into the First Flight Society’s Paul Garber Shrine at Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk, NC.