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So far Webmaster has created 64 blog entries.
18 10, 2021

Make Plans to Celebrate Wright Brothers Day 2021.

Save the date! December 17th, 2021 is the 118th anniversary of powered flight. The First Flight Society will be honoring Sally Ride as the 2021 Paul E Garber Shrine inductee. The Shrine is located in the Museum and Visitors Center at the Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, USA.

This honor is selected annually by a high-level panel appointed by the First Flight Society, from among numerous nominations submitted from around the world as well as compiled lists of qualified candidates. The induction ceremony will be held on Wright Brothers Day, December 17, 2021, with a celebration luncheon also held that day in Kitty Hawk. A portrait of Sally Ride will be unveiled and presented at the ceremony on December 17th.

Dr Ride was a Mission Specialist on STS-7 in 1983 and STS-41-G in 1984. On June 18, 1983, Sally Ride became the first American woman to fly in […]

7 07, 2021

Win a Once in a Lifetime Experience to fly in a WWII P-51 Fighter!

Win a Once in a Lifetime Experience to fly in a WWII P-51 Fighter!

Enter today for your chance to fly in a WWII P-51 Fighter!

This is your chance to fly in the same type of aircraft as some of our First Flight Society Honorees such as the “Red Tail” Tuskegee airmen, including General Benjamin Davis, USAF and Brig. Gen. Charles McGee, USAF, as well as such other famous flyer Honorees as Col. Jacqueline Cochran, USAF (Former WASP), Maj. Gen. Robert White, USAF, and Brig. Gen. Charles Yeager, USAF! The Stallion 51 Corporation offers a rare and exhilarating hands-on P-51 flight experience. The winner can schedule the experience up to 12 months after winning and the prize award includes $600 towards your expenses to travel to the Orlando, Florida area for the experience. Also included as part of the ride package will be a Stallion […]

30 05, 2021

Become a Founding Member of Club 1903

The Power of 1903 ($19.03)

Make a recurring or even a one time gift of $19.03 and become a founding member of Club 1903 supporting the First Flight Society. In cooperation with GoFundMe we are raising money to benefit First Flight Society, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to our organization.

The First Flight Society’s primary mission is to memorialize Orville and Wilbur Wright, first in the world to successfully achieve powered flight in a heavier than air machine, on December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. First Flight Society invites and promotes visits to the Wright Brothers National Memorial, so all may see the birthplace of powered flight. First Flight Society contributes to the advancement of aviation through programs, activities, education and the arts.

Your donation will help us tell the story of the Wright Brothers to children and adults […]

16 04, 2021

Sally Ride Selected as 2021 Paul E Garber Shrine Honoree.

KITTY HAWK, N.C.April 16, 2021 – The First Flight Society announced today that Sally K Ride, has been named the 2021 Honoree to be inducted into the Dr. Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine located in the Museum and Visitors Center at the Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, USA.

This honor is selected annually by a high-level panel appointed by the First Flight Society, from among numerous nominations submitted from around the world as well as compiled lists of qualified candidates. The Shrine is located within the Museum and Visitors Center at the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills, NC. The induction ceremony will be held on Wright Brothers Day, December 17, 2021, with a celebration banquet held on December 16, 2021 in Kitty Hawk. A portrait of Sally Ride will be unveiled and presented at the ceremony on December 17th, 2021, celebrating the 118th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers First Flight.

Sally […]

7 04, 2021

Celebrate Wilbur Wright’s 154th Birthday Online

Join us online to celebrate Wilbur Wright’s birthday!

  • Check out our Facebook page at noon for an interview with Wilbur Wright (Paul Carr) conducted by lifetime member Alfred Poor!

  • We will be announcing the 2021 Paul E Garber Shrine Honoree!

  • Visit our store for 15% OFF all products (excludes memberships) using the code WILBUR154 at checkout!


We are going to celebrate Wilbur Wright’s 154th birthday online. There will be videos, photos and stories on our webpage and Social Media, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We will be celebrating along with our friends at Wright Brothers National Memorial, Outer Banks Forever, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park  and National Aviation Heritage Area.

See you Friday!

7 04, 2021

2021 Paul E Garber Honoree Announcement April 16th.

April 16th, 2021 will be Wilbur Wright’s 154th Birthday. It’s also the day that we announce our 2021 Paul E Garber Honoree. We will be celebrating Wilbur’s birthday online throughout the day. Watch for videos, photos and social media posts.

Wilbur Wright is best known for developing the first successful airplane with his brother, Orville. Wilbur was born on April 16, 1867, near Millville, Indiana.

The FFS Paul Garber honoree is selected annually by a high-level panel appointed by the First Flight Society, from among numerous nominations submitted from around the world as well as compiled lists of qualified candidates. The Shrine is located within the Museum and Visitors Center at the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk, NC. The induction ceremony will be held on Wright Brothers Day, December 17, 2021, with a celebration banquet held on December 16, 2021 in Kitty Hawk. A […]

18 02, 2021

We are Accepting Nominations for the Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine for 2022

We are accepting nominations for the First Flight Society Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine for 2022.

Honorees for the Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine are selected annually by a National Advisory Committee from a list of nominees submitted to the First Flight Society and passed to the Committee for consideration.  The committee   accepts a letter of nomination accompanied by supporting documentation. 

The nominee(s) may but does not have to be a “first” but rather “…a person, living or dead, who since December 17, 1903, either personally or with the assistance of others, has made such outstanding accomplishments in manned flight that they are generally recognized nationally and internationally for their achievements and contributions to aviation.”  Nominees are kept on file for immediate or future consideration.

Enclosed is the Nomination Form for the Paul E. Garber First Flight Shrine, which should be mailed with any supporting documents to:  First Flight […]

18 02, 2021

Welcome Our New Bronze Sponsor Twiddy & Company Realtors.

First Flight Society would like to welcome our newest Bronze Sponsor and Business Member.

“In 1978, Twiddy & Company Realtors opened its first office on the Outer Banks in Duck Village. In 1982, the business expanded to include a second office in Corolla. As the company grew, the restored Kill Devil Hills Lifesaving Station was moved to Corolla to serve as an additional office space. A new office building was constructed in 1995 and expanded in 2003.

Twiddy & Company reflects the ideals, values, and vision of its Founder, Doug Twiddy, who has set the standard for excellence in professional real estate services in the northern Outer Banks area.

Doug’s philosophy was always that Twiddy & Company and rental property owners are business partners pursuing mutual goals. He believed creating success for our company, clients, and customers were achieved only through the combined efforts of a team of competent, experienced and motivated professionals who fully endorse the founder’s values of […]

26 01, 2021

Introducing the 2021 First Flight Society Board of Directors

KITTY HAWK, N.C.January 26, 2021 — The First Flight Society would like to announce its Board of Directors for 2021.All of the directors are from North Carolina, except three who are from Virginia.

The newly elected Executive Committee consists of:
President-Mike Fonseca
1st Vice President-Dr Charles Davidson
2nd Vice President-William “Bill” Douglas
Treasurer-H Taylor Sugg
Secretary-Paul Carr

The rest of the 2021 board consists of :
Sara Lou Copeland, Danny Couch, M. Roy Daniels, III, David Daniels, Lisa Ellstrom, Judith Fearing, Orestes Gooden,  Paul Wright Jameson, Arthur J. Lamothe,  Blake Sauls, Doug Seay, Mike Smith, Penny Leary Smith and Peregrine White.

Joe Lamothe, Mike Smith and Geneva Perry are former presidents of the 94 year old Society that started out as the Kill Devil Hills Memorial Association.


The FFS plans an annual celebration at the Wright Brothers National Memorial on Wright Brothers Day, December 17th mandated by their bylaws to memorialize the work of the Wright Brothers at […]